SAMbuddy-RF provides comprehensive analysis features for real-time RF measurement of DVB broadcasts. The comprehensive SNMP based monitoring capabilities of SAMbuddy-RF allow to establish powerful RF monitoring solutions
streaming entire TS for further analysis and monitoring
streaming Constellation Diagram snapshots
threshold configuration for each single parameter via comfortable GUI
SNMP based monitoring
comprehensive data logging
RF Receiver
SAMbuddy-RF supports receiver hardware – PCIe and USB – from various manufacturers. In following only few receiver cards are listed which are supported by SAMbuddy-RF, but much more get supported. To check the hardware support simply plug-in your hardware and starts the application SAMbuddy-RF. If no supported hardware could be found then you get an appropriate error message.Please note that a manufacturer sometimes change the used chipset of a listed receiver so that it cannot no longer be supported.
Beside RF parameter measurements as Signal Strength, SNR or MER, SAMbuddy-RF is able to display the constellation diagram for the current received signal.
SAMbuddy-RF - Constellation Diagram
Field Monitoring of DVB Broadcasts
SAMbuddy-RF receives the DVB broadcast via RF. RF parameters are monitored continuously, 24/7 via SNMP. By using of additional dtvTools components further monitoring tasks can be realized:
the received TS gets streamed to SAMcorder
SAMcorder analyzes and monitors the TS on all technical layers, e.g. MPEG, EPG, Subtitles, Teletext, DSM-CC, MHP …
SAMcorder de-multiplexes the TS and can stream any part of it to other tools at local or remote locations
the received TS gets streamed to SAMitor
SAMitor analyzes and monitors the Audio and Video content
SAMitor will display all videos in one or more video walls
Field Monitoring of DVB Broadcasts
Transport Stream Distribution
SAMbuddy-RF receives the TS via DVB.-S/-S2. The RF reception gets monitored 24/7 via SNMP. The received TS gets distributed to remote locations via IP/UDP.